I know I live in the tropics, but really, I get sick of the rain! And there is no worse timing than a week when have visitors. They should be enjoying cocktails on the beach, not indoor games and TV!
I've got to admit that I've had a pretty dream run of weather since I've been here. Sunny days, hot weather, can't complain. But, it is the rainy season and the rain pretty much started again a couple of weeks ago. My Facebook news feed started filling up with photos and reports of localized flooding and roads collapsing. Hmm, not so great for us moped riders.
I did my first big journey in the rain when I had a meeting at the next beach over which I couldn't put off. Let me tell you, there is nothing more attractive than rocking up to a 5 star hotel looking like a drowned rat and wearing your motorbike helmet and a plastics poncho that cost less than $1. Yep, hot!
The day my visitors flew in at all stopped. Gaylene, Nina and Beth only had to endure 1 or 2 days of bad weather the entire time. It was soooo nice to have people from home here and seeing my world. Plus they brought me clothes from home (thanks mum!!). It was Beth's birthday on the weekend, so I took her to Bliss beach club where she could have a drink overlooking the beach and watching the sunset. Pretty nice way to spend your birthday.
Gaylene and Nina got to stop in and see the kids one afternoon. Unfortunately that was the afternoon we discovered the chicken pox outbreak… The rest of them were still adorable. The week before we had taken them to celebrate birthdays. They got to swim, make (and eat!) pizza and learn how to juggle. Very fun!
My social life is still alive and well. Angela has continued to have a steady stream of visitors, meaning much fun and frivolity. The Brazillian Dancing Bean was a heap of fun, Sharon was lovely and hung out with Gaylene and Beth while they were here and now wingman Katherine is here. Oh my liver! Plus, tonight is our volunteer thank you party a fancy pants restaurant overloooking a beautiful bay.</font>