Taxco. Only a 2 hr drive, but a world away from Mexico City. Situated on the side of a hill, this town is CUTE, but it makes you work. The streets are steep so I’m sure my legs will be stunning by the end of my stay.

The town is centered around the market and main square (Zocalo). The church on the Zocalo, Templo de Santa Prisca is incredible. Inside the walls are made of rose coloured stone and adorned with intricate gold carvings. Chandeliers hang from the roof and there are beautiful paintings above watch of the arch entrances.
Famous for it’s silver, but what it really should be famous for is the amount of VW Beetles they have. I’m not kidding, it is crazy. The locals claim it is because if the ridiculously steep cobblestone streets and that the Beetle is the only car that can cope, but I’m not sure. I think this town just has a fetish. All the taxis are Beetles, with the passenger seat missing so that you can just climb in the back. And don’t worry about closing the door, the driver just pulls a rope that’s attached to the door handle.
It sounds cliched, but it really is the perfect place to wander and get lost. During the week there are barely any tourists other than day trippers, so it was easy to just wander without dodging hordes of camera carrying tourists. Weekends, it’s a totally different story when bus loads of people arrive from Mexico City. It’s true what they say about the silver shops, they are on every corner, and almost every store in between. The region was founded on silver mines.
(Bizarre flowers I saw at the market)
So it turns out that Taxco was hosting an international downhill bike race while I was there. Think BMX bandits, but on a much bigger scale. Taxco is the perfect place for it – steep steep roads, allys and stairs make for adrenalin junkie heaven! It was slightly annoying for me the tourist, with streets closed off and having to avoid grown men in fluro clothing hurtling at you down a hill. It was fun to watch though, and the local kids loved it and would come running down the streets at full pelt chasing their hero.
(Hurtling down the mountain)
(The jump…)
(The landing)
(Need a higher vantage point? Use the police car!)
I did the typical tourist activities like taking the cable car up the side of a mountain and walking to the enourmous Jesus statue at the top of the hill. I probably should have taken the advice of locals and caught a combi to the top like everyone else, but no, I trudged uphill for 2.5kms. Insane. My legs are still sore!
(Riding the cable car)
(View from the cable car)