It’s been awhile since I blogged but I have a good reason! For those of you that don’t know I gave birth prematurely while on holidays in Australia. Our tiny human is now 6 months old and already has 2 passports!
As many of you I’m sure are aware this ‘new’ life involves a lot of juggling – mainly a baby and something else. Often this is coffee. You will be amazed what you can do with just one arm. I realise this is nothing new to all the mums out there, but I am just getting used to the challenge of being responsible for someone other than myself!

While in Australia we embarked on a few road trips, as I refuse to be a parent whose life is totally dictated by a child. You may throw these words back at me some day dear reader, but until then I will endeavor to keep going and keep traveling. We went to Brisbane, Ballina & Hervey Bay and while each trip was a learning curve, we all survived.

Then of course there was the biggest trip of all – back to Europe. 30+ hours door-door while holding the tiny human. Oh how I hate you jet lag.

On my first day home alone with the tiny human (when Husband went back to work), I was debating what I should do. It was tempting to stay in the comfort of home and just chill (as much as one can chill with a child) however I decided I needed to brave the train. Sounds easy, right? Well, I live in a small town outside the city with trains built god knows when. There are STEPS, massive STEPS into the train. I am forced to use my terrible German to ask for help getting on and off the train with a pram. God help me when there is no one around. I guess I just stay on the train till I get to a station where someone can help me then live there forever.

I have joined a babys (mum’s?) group (who is this group really for, let’s be honest) and recently met everyone. A lovely group of ladies who seem to have it all together. We chatted, juggled babies and coffee while I threw whatever finger food I could manage into my mouth (I miss eating with 2 hands).
Afterwards I attempted baby yoga – FAIL. While it is perfectly acceptable to stop during the class and feed/play/sooth your child, mine demanded constant attention. Like mother like daughter. After 50 mins of attention giving I gave up and left the class. I am undecided as to whether or not to pay €12 to give my child attention on a yoga mat again.

I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t have some trips to look forward to. On the cards are trips to Croatia (yay, the ocean!), road tripping through Austria with friends from Australia and finally hopefully meeting up with Nana somewhere warm. Let’s see how many stamps we can put in the tiny human’s passport.
Aaaaah you sound happy and content my dear Hayley……well done.
Heaps of love and hugs from Jan and all the Woods clan xxxxx
Thank you Jan and the Woods Clan! Hope all is well with you xx
Gosh she looks amazing!
Doesn’t she! So big now 🙂
Goid for you…..doung well Haylay x
Thank you!
Your tiny human is so lucky to be growing up and learning how much you can do in the now….. rather than being told you should wait till you are older. Growing and learning together ✔️✔️✔️
Totally agree Annette. Living in the now and showing her that anything is possible. X
Go, have fun and get that passport filled, little one!
Thanks! That’s the plan 🙂
I’m loving this blog!! I can’t wait to read more. How do you even find the time??
Missing you three. Xx
Ha! Says the lady who is busy crafting gorgeous letters! X
A little traveler is born! I salute you for taking the brave step to travel with your little one. Sending lots of love from Auntie Shah, Auntie Ariya and Uncle Chompu. 💗💗💗
Thanks guys! I’m sure the Tiny Human will love Auntie Ariya and Uncle Chompu <3
Big hugs
Right back at you! X
Love the little peanut and can’t wait to meet her!
She is excited to meet you too Biz!