Have you ever seen the movie Australia? With Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman? Well, that was set in Bowen so I put that on the itinerary and made it the next stop.

That’s the pub. Much fancier in 2018!
From the lookout on Flagstaff Hill you can clearly see where the movie was filmed. It was so cool. The massive long wharf and the pub with the ‘cattleyard’ in front of it. Unfortunately I didn’t run into Hugh Jackman (or any other handsome drovers), just tourists and men in high vis clothing. And not much else. Bowen is p..r…e…t…t…y quiet. But it does have a beautiful pub.

I was most surprised by the beaches. Beautiful little coves lined with palm trees. It’s not yet stinger season so we could swim with the locals. The water was clear and almost warm. Elmar swam but was still a little chilly for me.

For those wondering, I missed a photo opp at The Big Mango as The Tiny Human was asleep. And we NEVER wake The Tiny Human. Especially for a piece of giant fake fruit.
From then it was up to Townsville where I was able to catch up with an old friend and check out The Strand. The Strand is basically a long strip of Esplanade that has been designed with playgrounds, bbq areas and even a water park. Handy when you can’t swim during summer. Elmar thinks it’s hilarious as ‘Strand’ in German means beach.

(We are such ragers!)
People have been asking how The Tiny Human is doing (that’s what happens when you have kids right, no one asks about YOU anymore!). She is a little trooper. We try and time our driving for when she sleeps. Sometimes we fail. Happy to report though that I can step in as the new yellow ‘Emma’ Wiggle if need be. I know all the words…

(Feeding the wildlife)

(She is sooooo tired of seeing palm trees)

(Checking our van set up procedures)

(Ensuring I have read the stinger warning sign in Townsville and keeping herself entertained with a leaky tap – best entertainment ever!)

Next stop, Charters Towers.
Leaky trap. Who would have guessed?