Well, I didn’t ‘love’ Cuba…

While this blog isn’t about a particular place, I felt like I had to write it.Returning from Vinales I was again consumed by the oppressive, crushing feeling of Havana. I like to think of myself as a fairly good traveller, but this was something new. When I...

Discovering life and cigars in Vinales…

After the hassles of Havana, Vinales was like a tonic for the soul.We bundled into a taxi with our new friends early in the morning and set off from Havana. The 2hr drive was filled with potholes and our taxi had no suspension, jolting our poor tired bodies awake...

Confessions from Havana

Foreword – I have been writing, rewriting and editing this post for days now. I have to be honest and admit that I am struggling. There are so many great things about Havana, but at times it can be hard to see them. The attention from the men on the street is...

Chitchen Itza

After spending days lazing around Playa Del Carmen it was time for a bit of culture, so we booked ourselves on other tour. Suckers for punishment? You could see the enthusiasm in our eyes as we dragged our asses out of bed and did a mad dash for coffee.Chichen Itza is...

Playing in Playa…

Less high end touristy than Cancun (but still touristy!) we found Playa Del Carmen an hour south on the coast to be much more our scene. A lot more laid back, less giant hotels dominating the beach and we actually found beaches to swim on! The water isn’t...